Sandroyd School

Sport: Yr 3&4 Cricket v. Chafyn Grove

Sport: Yr 3&4 Cricket vs Chafyn Grove

Tuesday was a momentous day for Yr 3&4 who made their debut for Sandroyd sport against Chafyn Grove School.  Year 3 travelled excitedly to Salisbury and enjoyed two matches of diamond cricket.  Yr 4 hosted Chafyn at home and managed to scare the sheep around the paddock pitches with their hitting.  Many runs were scored, a few wonderful catches were taken and all in all, huge fun was had by all!  Flora and Hattie were captains for Year 3 and they led their teams proudly. Following many many runs, scores were checked and the result was a draw between Sandroyd and Chafyn!  Year 4 played three games, narrowly losing two but winning one. We were lucky with the sunshine and the children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon.