Sandroyd School

English: Spelling Bees

English: Spelling Bee Competition

On Thursday the inaugural Sandroyd Spelling Bee Competition produced two dramatic and memorable finals. In the Prep School. Calliope Greer-Brown just pipped Tabitha Holbrook with her spelling of ‘dialogue’, and in the Senior Finals, Daisy Goodwin did not put a foot wrong, and finally saw off a spirited performance by Freddie Smith, with her spelling of ‘loquacious’. Congratulations to all 30 finalists and to all pupils, who took part in their class qualifiers. 

In the Walled Garden, Year 1 and Year 2 also enjoyed their Spelling Bee this week, which saw all of the children attempt 66 key and high frequency words. Every child took part with such confidence and enthusiasm. Special mention should go to our Gold Certificate Winners: Teddy, Ottilie, Aydn and Rosie B.