Sandroyd School

Maths: Maths Week England 2019

Maths: Maths Week England 2019

Maths Week England hit Sandroyd this week!

This is the first Maths Week England to be run and Sandroyd were keen to be part of it.

Tutors have been starting their tutor periods with the ‘Problem of the Day’, staff have been challenged with a Maths problem in the staff room (for some it brought back bad memories and Maths anxiety!) and on Thursday morning some brave parents attempted the Tower of Hanoi challenge as they dropped off their children. 

On Wednesday morning all the Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in the largest Maths lesson in the world which was delivered via a webinar from the nrich headquarters in Cambridge. Thankfully the IT didn’t let us down and we were able to participate without any hitches. There was a real buzz around the theatre as pupils chatted through the problems which had been posed. Congratulations to all who took part. Mrs McAlpine, Mr Redden and I were extremely impressed with the plentiful ideas and insightful solutions.

Year 2 and Year 5 have been participating in FunKey maths - a peer mentoring programme which harnesses the skills and enthusiasm of children from Year 5 and helps them improve their communication, organisational and leadership skills.  FunKey Maths is an innovative and effective scheme that develops number sense in KS1 children and a range of hugely important soft skills in KS2. Our mentors (Kitty, Enna, Bluey, Sam, Rosie, Fabian) enjoyed their first session with their Year 2 mentees on Tuesday and it was a huge success.

Year 3  and Year 4 children have enjoyed completing online games, collecting points and competing against each other using MangaHigh.

Here is the link to the problems the children were working on. A Jar of Teddies 

All through the week pupils have had access to a website called Mangahigh. They have been completing challenges, earning points, winning trophies and getting very competitive with their peers!